{"id":35988,"date":"2021-03-10T10:30:55","date_gmt":"2021-03-10T10:30:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/?post_type=product&p=35988"},"modified":"2021-03-10T10:30:56","modified_gmt":"2021-03-10T10:30:56","slug":"10d0049-steel-pipe-assembly-liugong-part","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/product\/10d0049-steel-pipe-assembly-liugong-part","title":{"rendered":"10D0049 steel pipe assembly LIUGONG PART"},"content":{"rendered":"

10D0049 steel pipe assembly LIUGONG PART<\/p>\n


13B0129 Dust ring AF 8013
\n13B0147 sealing ring
\n13B0158 Y-shaped sealing ring polyurethane
\n13B0159 Dust ring
\n13B0160 Lip ring
\n13B0161 Strafford
\n13B0162 Dust ring
\n13B0163 Lip ring
\n13B0164 Strafford
\n13B0169 oil seal
\n13B0213 sealing ring
\n13B0219 sealing ring
\n13B0220 oil seal
\n13B0230 Dust ring
\n13B0247 Dust ring
\n13B0251 oil seal
\n13B0352 Lip seal
\n13C0003 air tank
\n13C0004 Air brake valve assembly
\n13C0009 brake chamber
\n13C0012 Quick release valve
\n13C0021 Air Horn Switch
\n13C0025 Emergency brake valve
\n13C0026 Combination valve
\n13C0029 safety valve
\n13C0054X0 Air tank assembly
\n13C0057 brake air chamber
\n13C0058 Handbrake assembly
\n13C0059 Button Valve
\n13C0067 Afterburner assembly
\n13C0109 Manual drain valve
\n13C0157 air dryer
\n13D0001 cylinder
\n13D0010X1 cylinder
\n13D0092X1 cylinder block
\n13D0202X1 cylinder block
\n14A0215 Flat pin
\n14D0003 Piston rod
\n14D0004 Piston rod
\n14D0005 Piston rod
\n14D0026 Piston rod
\n14D0029 Piston rod
\n14D0052 Piston rod
\n14D0058 Piston rod
\n14D0059 Piston rod
\n15C0008 Drain valve switch assembly
\n15D0036 steel pipe joint
\n15D0040 connector
\n15D0047 steel pipe assembly
\n15D0048 steel pipe assembly
\n15D0051 connector
\n15D0057 connector block
\n15D0088 pipe joint
\n15D0110 Combination joint
\n15D0111 connector body
\n15D0112 connector body
\n15D0140 connector body
\n15D0141 steel pipe joint
\n15D0173 pipe joint
\n15D0175 connector block
\n15D0231 oil inlet flange joint
\n15D0310 connector body
\n16A0012 Card board
\n16A1000 Tee connector
\n16C0002 Breathable cover assembly
\n16C0003 Refueling and venting assembly
\n16C0004 Breathable cover
\n16C0009 Breathable cover assembly
\n16D0015 Tie rod shaft
\n16D0028 connecting rod
\n16D0139 tie rod
\n17B0001 Diesel engine upper shock cushion
\n17B0002 Diesel engine lower shock absorber
\n17B0017 Upper shock absorber
\n17B0019 Lower shock cushion
\n20A0002 dipstick
\n20A0679 Dipstick
\n20A2273 Gasket
\n20A2841 Gasket
\n20B0001 needle roller
\n20B0012 Steel Ball
\n20B0015 needle roller
\n20B0022 needle roller
\n20B0026 steel ball
\n20B0042 needle roller
\n20C0001 Torque converter to radiator hose
\n20C0034 Combined radiator
\n20C0044 water radiator
\n20C0051 Torque converter oil radiator
\n20C0051X0 Torque converter oil radiator
\n20C0052 hydraulic oil radiator
\n20C0146 Water cooling
\n20C0147X0 oil radiator group
\n20J0001 steel ball
\n21A0005 valve cover
\n21A0040 Locking piece
\n21A0042 cover
\n21B0001 Ball bearing 6210
\n21B0002 Ball bearing
\n21B0005 ball bearing 6012
\n21B0006 Ball bearing 6311
\n21B0007 ball bearing 6016
\n21B0008 Ball bearing 6312
\n21B0009 ball bearing 6204
\n21B0010 Ball bearing 6022
\n21B0011 Ball bearing 6211
\n21B0012 ball bearing 1000905
\n21B0013 ball bearing 6010
\n21B0020 Ball bearing 1000806
\n21B0021 ball bearing 6001
\n21B0023 Japan NSK6210N
\n21C0004X9 fuel tank
\n21C0046 hydraulic oil tank
\n21C0133 diesel tank
\n21C0134 hydraulic oil tank
\n21D0002 Rocker arm
\n21D0086X0 Rocker arm
\n22B0001 Cylindrical roller bearing 92606E
\n22B0005 Cylindrical roller bearing NUP2306ET
\n23B0001 Tapered roller bearing 32022
\n23B0009 Tapered roller bearing 32024
\n23B0010 Tapered roller bearing 32221
\n23B0012 Tapered roller bearing 32216; GB\/T297-1994; 80\u00d7140\u00d735.25
\n23B0017 Tapered roller bearing 32215
\n23B0018 Tapered roller bearing 31311
\n23B0019 Tapered roller bearing 31312
\n23B0043 Tapered roller bearing 33113
\n23B0044 Tapered roller bearing 31310
\n23B0045 Tapered roller bearing 32219
\n23B0046 Tapered roller bearing 32020
\n23C0001 Ball joint
\n24C0003 upper mechanism
\n24C0004 Connecting mechanism
\n24C0005 Lower mechanism
\n24C0034 Lifting mechanism
\n24C0038 Adjustable gas spring assembly
\n24C0058 Connecting mechanism
\n24C0060 Tie rod
\n24C0201 Variable speed control assembly
\n24D0001X1 Front axle housing wheel support
\n24D0004X1 front axle housing wheel support shaft
\n24D0005X1 rear axle housing wheel support shaft
\n24D0018X1 Front axle housing wheel support
\n24D0048 Rear swing bracket
\n25B0001 Joint bearing GE70ES
\n25B0002 spherical plain bearing GE45ES
\n25B0004 spherical plain bearing GE60ES
\n25B0006 spherical plain bearing GE40ES
\n25B0010 Joint bearing GE10E
\n26B0002 Thrust ball bearing 51111
\n27A0052 Dust cover
\n30A0020 water pipe
\n30A0033 Suction hose
\n30A0034 25-2P low pressure hose L=170
\n30A0072 \u03c625-2P low pressure hose
\n30A0119 Water pipe \u03c616
\n30A0124 Suction hose
\n30A0129 Suction hose
\n30A0194 hose
\n30B0033 temperature sensor
\n30B0065 temperature sensor
\n30B0100 Torque Converter Oil Temperature Sensor
\n30B0121 Pressure switch
\n30B0129 pressure switch
\n30B0130 Pressure switch
\n30B0132 pressure switch
\n30B0133 pressure switch
\n30B0135 pressure switch
\n30B0145 barometric pressure sensor
\n30B0168 oil volume sensor
\n30D0035x0 rear frame
\n30D0071x0 Front frame
\n31B0005 Flash Relay
\n31B0006 Start relay
\n31B0011 Relay
\n31B0018 Electronic flasher
\n31B0034 Relay
\n31B0059 control relay
\n31B0094 Relay
\n31C0049 Steel pipe assembly
\n31C0050 Steel pipe assembly
\n32A0003 Suction hose
\n32A0044 Upper water pipe
\n32A0084 hose
\n32A0112 Hose
\n32A0121 Upper water pipe
\n32A0152 Upper water pipe
\n32A0200 Downpipe
\n32B0006 Wall lamp
\n32B0026 headlight
\n32B0028 headlight
\n32B0035 Combined headlight\/right
\n32B0036 Combined headlight\/left
\n32B0037 Left rear small lamp
\n32B0038 right rear small lamp
\n32B0066 wall lamp
\n32B0077 Left working lamp assembly
\n32B0078 Right working lamp assembly
\n32B0093 Right rear small lamp
\n32B0096 ceiling light (4)<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

10D0049 steel pipe assembly LIUGONG PART 13B0129 Dust ring AF 8013 13B0147 sealing ring 13B0158 Y-shaped sealing ring polyurethane 13B0159 Dust ring 13B0160 Lip ring 13B0161 Strafford 13B0162 Dust ring 13B0163 Lip ring 13B0164 Strafford 13B0169 oil seal 13B0213 sealing …<\/span> Continue reading →<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"featured_media":36008,"template":"","meta":[],"product_cat":[18],"product_tag":[992],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product\/35988"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/product"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/36008"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=35988"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"product_cat","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_cat?post=35988"},{"taxonomy":"product_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_tag?post=35988"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}