{"id":35660,"date":"2021-03-09T00:44:46","date_gmt":"2021-03-09T00:44:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/?post_type=product&p=35660"},"modified":"2021-03-09T00:44:47","modified_gmt":"2021-03-09T00:44:47","slug":"01b0042-bolt-liugong-part","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/product\/01b0042-bolt-liugong-part","title":{"rendered":"01B0042 Bolt LIUGONG PART"},"content":{"rendered":"

01B0042 Bolt LIUGONG PART<\/p>\n


00A0183 connector
\n00A3415 connector; CHSTL 28\/35
\n00D1659 bracket
\n00D2325 Storage tank bracket
\n01A0129 Right Angle Connector
\n01A0364 Hot water connector
\n11B0081 Ventilation duct
\n11B0081 Ventilation duct
\n11B0082 Ventilation duct
\n11B0082 Ventilation duct
\n11B0092 Defrosting duct
\n11B0092 Defrosting duct
\n30A0120 Water pipe \u03c616; cloth rubber
\n32A0313 Air conditioning rear cover duct
\n46C0009 Reservoir SRD5-M60RP
\n46C0011 compressor
\n46C0030 Control panel assembly
\n46C0031 solenoid valve
\n46C0472 Compressor to condenser pipe
\n46C0473 Condenser to liquid storage tank pipe
\n46C0474 Liquid storage tank to evaporator pipe
\n46C0475 evaporator to compressor pipe
\n46C0668 compressor bracket
\n46C0885 Evaporator assembly GQZ-54
\n46C0886 Condenser assembly GQT54-021
\n46C0887 Air conditioning air outlet
\n46C0889 Elbow
\n46C1172 Warm air inlet valve
\n83A0145 Guard ring; industrial rubber sheet A
\n84A0084 Air Condition V-belt 17-490
\n84A0255 water pipe \u03c616; L3000
\n86A0101 round air outlet
\n86A0190 Tee connector GQT54-023<\/p>\n

95C0030 Air conditioner assembly
\n46C0743 elongated tuyere; fittings
\n46C0009 Reservoir SRD5-M60RP
\n00D2325 Storage tank bracket
\n00D1658 Storage tank bracket; welded parts
\n46C1151 Liquid storage tank to evaporator pipe
\n46C0031 solenoid valve
\n46C2190 solenoid water valve
\n46C1283 Air Conditioner Control Panel
\n46C1339 Air Conditioner Wire Harness
\n46C0473 Condenser to liquid storage tank pipe
\n46C0886 Condenser assembly GQT54-021
\n84A0221 Air-Condition V-belt
\n84A0084 Air Condition V-belt 17-490
\n46C1172 Warm air inlet valve
\n86A0292 Front blower pipe
\n01A0364 Hot water connector
\n84A0260 water pipe \u03c616; L1000; cloth rubber
\n84A0255 water pipe \u03c616; L3000
\n84A0257 water pipe \u03c616; L3500
\n30A0120 Water pipe \u03c616; cloth rubber
\n84A0246 Water pipe \u03a616; cloth rubber
\n46C0011 compressor
\n46C0668 compressor bracket
\n46C0472 Compressor to condenser pipe
\n46C1285 round tuyere
\n46C1152 evaporator to compressor pipe
\n46C2957 Evaporator to compressor pipe; ASSY
\n46C1146 Evaporator assembly<\/p>\n

00D1581 Storage tank bracket
\n46C1211 Liquid storage tank to evaporator pipe
\n46C1213 Liquid storage tank assembly
\n85A0606 Foot blowing air duct
\n46C1205 Solenoid water valve assembly
\n46C1216 Ventilator
\n46C1210 Condenser to liquid storage tank pipe
\n46C1218 Condenser assembly
\n46C0015 Air Condition V-belt 17-450
\n46C1217 filter element
\n00B0019 Bolt; GB5783-86; M10\u00d730-8.8-Zn.D; STL
\n46C1215 heater assembly
\n46C0486 warm air inlet valve
\n46C0486 warm air inlet valve
\n46C1983 Warm air inlet valve
\n84A0709 Drain pipe
\n00A0001 Heating water connector, galvanized
\n84A0247 water pipe \u03a616
\n84A0243 water pipe \u03c616
\n84A0259 water pipe \u03c616
\n30A0119 Water pipe \u03c616; L2500
\n84A0594 Water pipe \u03c616; cloth rubber
\n30A0120 Water pipe \u03c616; cloth rubber
\n46C1207 Compressor SE5V16
\n46C1209 Compressor to condenser pipe
\n46C1208 Tensioner assembly
\n46C1212 evaporator to compressor pipe
\n46C1214 evaporator assembly
\n01A0567 Right Angle Connector<\/p>\n

46C0926 compressor 12V
\n46C0945 Evaporator
\n46C0887 Air conditioning air outlet
\n46C0285 Condenser
\n46C0284 liquid storage tank
\n46C0279 Compressor to condenser pipe
\n46C0282 evaporator to compressor pipe
\n46C0280 Condenser to liquid storage tank pipe
\n46C0281 Liquid storage tank tube to evaporator tube
\n01A0364 Hot water connector
\n46C0889 Elbow
\n11B0081 Ventilation duct
\n46C0887 Air conditioning air outlet
\n84A0445 rubber sheet
\n46C0448 Air-Condition V-belt<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

01B0042 Bolt LIUGONG PART 00A0183 connector 00A3415 connector; CHSTL 28\/35 00D1659 bracket 00D2325 Storage tank bracket 01A0129 Right Angle Connector 01A0364 Hot water connector 11B0081 Ventilation duct 11B0081 Ventilation duct 11B0082 Ventilation duct 11B0082 Ventilation duct 11B0092 Defrosting duct 11B0092 …<\/span> Continue reading →<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"featured_media":35691,"template":"","meta":[],"product_cat":[18],"product_tag":[39],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product\/35660"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/product"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/35691"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=35660"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"product_cat","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_cat?post=35660"},{"taxonomy":"product_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.sinoreach.cn\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_tag?post=35660"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}